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«Gardarika» – International scientific Journal.

E-ISSN 2413-7456

Publication frequency – once a year.

Issued from 2014.

Number 1. (in 1 part) December 04, 2014

Column by chief editor
URL: http://ejournal26.com/journals_n/1421078804.pdf
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2. Alexandr N. Bondar
Fortress of Chernigov in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (second half of 14th–15th centuries)

Gardarika, 2014, Vol. (1), № 1, pp. 5-12.
DOI: 10.13187/gard.2014.1.5CrossRef

Of course, that accounts for the highest flowering of Chernigov was in the Old Rus' era. This process was interrupted by the events in the autumn of 1239, when the city was destroyed by mongols armies. Since then began its decline. In the second half of the 14th century Chernihiv was incorporated into the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The new rulers have resumed a small part of the ancient fortifications, which was called the Upper Castle. These fortifications have performed two functions: the feudal castle and the town’s citadel.

URL: http://ejournal26.com/journals_n/1421078841.pdf
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3. Sergey I. Degtyarev (Preparation to publication, introduction and commentary)
Materials for the History of the Hamlet (Selo) Gorodische and Town (Mestechko) Bakhmach

Gardarika, 2014, Vol. (1), № 1, pp. 13-25.
DOI: 10.13187/gard.2014.1.13CrossRef

This work continues the publication of descriptions of human settlements of Baturyn county (uezd) in the Ukraine (Malorossia), which were presented to the last Ukrainian hetman Kirill Razumovsky by Empress Elizabeth (Elizaveta Petrovna) in 1760. The author gives a description of the hamlet (selo) Gorodische and town (mestechko) Bakhmach, who at that time were part of the Chernihiv Cossack regiment.

URL: http://ejournal26.com/journals_n/1421078852.pdf
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4. Dmitriy V. Kudinov
Zashtatnyi Town of Miropole in the Middle of the 19th Century: Historical and Statistical Notes

Gardarika, 2014, Vol. (1), № 1, pp. 26-36.
DOI: 10.13187/gard.2014.1.26CrossRef

Basing on the statistical data of the middle of the 19th century various aspects of the life of Miropole, a zashtatnyi (province) town in Kursk Governorate, are investigated. Furthermore, methodological capability to use quantitative indexes for the analysis of qualitative changes in a town social life is defined through the example of the historical urbanistic research. Under the conditions of archival sources scarcity, much less narrative ones, statistical information acts as the basis for the reconstruction of the town past, for the study of the continuous alternations at all the stages of its development. The causes and effects of these changes are analysed basically in terms of time frames distinguished in the article heading. The content of statistical sources defined the article structure: the author distinguished the conceptual blocks of the change of the town area, its building, population structure, occupations and the transport connection of Miropole with the outer word. The description of the townsmen mentality which goes beyond genre uniformity of statistical data is rather remarkable.

URL: http://ejournal26.com/journals_n/1421078862.pdf
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5. Evgenij M. Osadchij
Fortress of Constantinov City

Gardarika, 2014, Vol. (1), № 1, pp. 37-44.
DOI: 10.13187/gard.2014.1.37CrossRef

Osadchiy Eugene. Fortification of the city Konstantinov. The article presents the results of a study of one of the hundreds of cities Left-bank Ukraine. Konstantinov was founded by Cossacks in 1646. Its fortifications consist of the Castle, Citadel and Fortress. Distribution and nature of individual elements of fortification indicated that Konstantinov was the fortress characteristic Cossack’s military tradition. The city was sustained several sieges and assaults. Then the fortifications were restored. The structure of the three parts of the city due to its borderline status and a series of military conflicts that occurred in the region in the second half of the 17th – early 18th centuries. In the middle 18th century, the fortress had dismantled, and the town was moved to the north.

URL: http://ejournal26.com/journals_n/1421078873.pdf
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6. Daredzhan Maisuradze, David Dzhavakhishvili
Grammy - the Capital of Kakheti Kingdom (1466–1616 years)

Gardarika, 2014, Vol. (1), № 1, pp. 45-48.
DOI: 10.13187/gard.2014.1.45CrossRef

Gremi complex is located in Georgia, Kakheti Kvareli municipality. People appeared on the territory of the Gremi in the bronze age, although its history as a strategically and politically important city, began from the ХV century, after the last king of United Georgia and the first king of Kakheti George I (1466-1476 years), announced Gremi the capital of Kakheti. For over 150 years Gremi was not only political and economic but also cultural and educational center. During the invasion of Shah Abbas in 1614-1616 years, the Iranians were unable to completely destroy Kakheti, but produced great destruction and took more than 100 thousand prisoners, turning prosperous country in the desert.

URL: http://ejournal26.com/journals_n/1421078883.pdf
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URL: http://ejournal26.com/journals_n/1421078826.pdf
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